dimanche 31 août 2014


Useful Information On Slope Meters

  • dimanche 31 août 2014
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  • By Marlene Blevins

    The construction of true slopes is sometimes needed in certain applications for various reasons. Slope meters are the gadgets that are used for such constructions. They are fixed on various machines such as graders, which are employed in leveling lands into slopes of various angles. The precision that can be achieved from using the device allows work that would otherwise need to be done during daytime to be done at night.

    For contractors hired to move dirt or soil, the gadget is useful in ensuring that they do not move more soil than they are paid for. In addition, the speed at which a piece of work can be done is highly increased. The devices are designed rigidly to allow their use in tough environments where dust, snow, and rain are major factors. Normally they are sealed hermetically to prevent the named agents from getting to the working mechanisms of the device.

    These devices fall under various classes. The main classes are steep slope meter, safe indicators also known as curve speed, and slope-meter no 1, no 2, and no 2NS. Devices in category No 1 find use in almost all slope and crown constructions. The steepness of the terrain is indicated by the figures in the calibrations. For instance, a steepness of the ratio of 8 to 1 is indicated by the number 8 by the ball.

    The small triangles in the device are used for reference purposes and they represent degrees. Category No 1 devices are mostly used on bulldozers, motor graders and such like machines. Devices in the No 2 category are mostly used on crown work and are calibrated in hundred 0.01 to 0.16. Besides finding use on crown work, they are also used in determining percent of grade. They majorly are installed on wheel ditchers, asphalt pavers, tunneling machines, and motor graders.

    No 2NS category gadgets are readable with one look because their scales are printed in large numbers. The indicator tubes are big too. These gadgets have large scales because they are used at a distance from the operator. The machines on which category NO 2 NS and 2 are used on are the same.

    Safe speed for driving around curves is determined by safe indicators. The indicator in the device remains on the zero mark when the auto is on a flat land. However, the position of the indicator can move through an angle of 25 degrees on either side when the vehicle is tilted backwards or forwards. A red color is used on the 10th mark and beyond because such levels are considered danger zones.

    Steep slope meter is used where readings of very steep terrains need to be taken. The calibration on them is in percentage of grade. Most calibrations range between 0 to 50 percent. These models are installed on motor graders, bulldozers, and such like equipment. All the devices given above can be independently replaced. As such, manufacturers also make separate replacement parts.

    The cost of most devices depends on quality, manufacturer, accuracy, and material used to make them. They get designed in a way to prevent accuracy from being affected by work environments. The casings can be of plastic, aluminum, or steel among others.

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