jeudi 4 septembre 2014


A Gastonia Personal Injury Attorney Will Help You Pay Medical Bills Following A Car Crash

  • jeudi 4 septembre 2014
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  • By Lakota R. Denton

    A Gastonia Personal Injury Attorney will help you determine who will pay your medical bills after a car accident. After being involved in a car accident, most people suffer some form of injury or medical problem. Typically, this results in expensive medical bills that require payment soon or immediately after the car accident. When this occurs, how are medical bills paid after a car accident? It's important to contact a Gastonia personal injury attorney immediately.

    If you have been injured in a car accident, N.C. law will allow you to recover compensation for your injuries from the person who caused the accident. You can one of two things: a) File a claim against the car insurance of the at fault driver, or b) File a lawsuit against the at-fault driver. Each method is your legal right in order to be compensated for your injuries. The most commons sources of compensation for your medical bills are the at fault driver, the at fault driver's insurance company, your own car insurance, and health insurance.

    The at fault driver is responsible for your medical bills after a car crash. North Carolina follows a "fault" system. In other words, the at fault driver is responsible for the injuries he or she causes. Fault is ultimately determined by a jury, but often attorney will argue over fault prior to a jury ever hearing the case. Your Gastonia Personal Injury Attorney will argue your case for you. Unless the at-fault driver has a large income or assets, you will typically need to recover money for your bills somewhere else. It is very rare for an at fault driver to have the resources to pay for all of someone's medical bills. North Carolina requires all drivers to carry liability insurance on their vehicle. A Gastonia personal injury attorney can review your claim and help argue that the insurance company is responsible for your medical bills.

    The insurance carrier for the at fault driver is responsible for your medical bills caused by the accident. The North Carolina minimum insurance policies required at least $30,000 in coverage for bodily injury liability, per person per accident; $60,000 per accident; and $25,000 for property damage per accident. These are just the state minimum requirements; it is wise to carry much more than the minimum, and many drivers carry $50K, $100K or more on each vehicle. A Gastonia personal injury attorney will help you find out the total amount of insurance coverage available for your claim.

    You personal car insurance may also provide some compensation for your medical bills. You need to look at your own policy and determine if you have uninsured coverage, underinsured coverage, or medical payments. All three can help provide money to pay your medical bills. An attorney will help you determine if any of these apply to your case.

    Health insurance may help you pay your bills after a car accident. Additionally, you may be able to pay your medical bills through health insurance providers like Medicare, Medicaid, or other private health insurance carriers if you are eligible for those services/benefits. However, if these services pay your medical bills, they will require repayment of these benefits as soon as you receive either compensation or a settlement from the at-fault driver or their insurance company. This is called subrogation.

    If you have been involved in a car crash, contact a Gastonia personal injury attorney. Contact us at Minick Law for a free consultation with an experienced Gastonia personal injury attorney about your case.

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