samedi 29 juin 2019


Life Became Easier Because Of Modern Tools

  • samedi 29 juin 2019
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  • By Margaret Stone

    People of to today are very lucky to be living in a very advance society. Almost everything is available in the market nowadays. We can even buy the things that we want through the internet. Filter press is one of the new equipments made available to public and specially used for industrial purposes.

    We understand that during the old times, people have been struggling about many different things. In other words, their lives were not that easy compared to what we have now. For this reason, they always try their best to always find a way to make an improvement. This could be the best traits that we inherited from them.

    As time passed by, the way people live became different. We all make changes each time. Some may call it improvement and some may refer it as change of taste or shifting of idea. Whatever they call it, they are all the same in the sense that change is the only target and main idea of such.

    We witnessed the several evolutions of humans staring from the very beginning until now. Being that said, we are certain that such evolution is still not complete, or should I say there is no end when it comes to development. In fact, our body now and physical structure change based on the environment where we live.

    We tend to change base on our surroundings. We evolve and adapt things according to environment. By implication, we can simply say that human minds are indeed has no limitation. We are all capable of changing all the things including our body. One proof of it is a body builder who worked hard just to achieve the masculine form he or she wanted.

    For this reason, we cannot blame the people who keep on improving and changing things. We should even be thankful to that because we were able to live easier with those machines providing us with our needs. Indeed, people today are greatly dependent to machines in almost everything they do.

    Furthermore, technology really has a huge contribution to our lives. It includes, but not necessarily limited to agricultural and industrial works. Laborers during the old times were actually exerting double efforts just to make the work done. When compared to today, we can notice that laborers are no longer need to make extra effort because they can leave the rest of the work to machines.

    Just like separating the solid from liquid materials. Before, such work seems to be impossible or at least too difficult for a single person to do such task. Fortunately, because of dedication a tool was created. Now such task appears to be too easy and as a matter of fact, such job takes only for a couple of minutes. As a result, plenty of works can be done in a single day.

    Nevertheless, despite of what has just been said, machines are undeniably not good to our nature in general. Yes, it may help us I our daily lives somehow, but it destroys our nature in some point. We all know that all machineries require power in order to work. Commonly, because of that fact, power shortage is most likely to happen.

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