jeudi 22 mai 2014


Facts To Know Concerning A Lime Spreader

  • jeudi 22 mai 2014
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  • By Marci Glover

    Some individuals think lime to be a kind of fertilizer, although that is wrong. It is simply a soil conditioner. The primary reason for its application is to regulate acidity in soil. Apart from regulating acidity, it may be applied to regulate the amount of calcium, some bacteria, phosphorus, zinc, copper, and magnesium in soil. It may be applied with hand on small tracts of land. A lime spreader is however necessary if it is to be applied on large pieces.

    Most spreaders need to be attached onto haulers like trucks or animals such as horses and donkeys. Small spreaders can be pulled or pushed by hand. Depending on size, they may have single or double pairs of wheels. Since they are very heavy, a trail of wheel prints is left behind wherever they pass. For this reason, they need to be used on empty pieces of land that does not have crops on it. They can damage young plants very much.

    Spreaders come in varying capacities. The larger commercial models are able to accommodate several kilograms of lime while the small ones only accommodate a few kilograms. The choice of capacity should be dictated by the size of land and frequency of use unless it is meant for leasing to the public. The container into which lime is poured may be made from metal, plastic, alloys, or wood in some cases. Lime can chew into some materials hence the choice of the material that the holder is made from should be considered carefully.

    The mode of discharging pellets differs with the model. The pellets may come out continuously or at intervals. The mode a machine uses is indicated on the product manual supplied by the seller at purchase time. The rate can be adjusted in machines that discharge pellets at intervals. According to experts, the conditioner needs to be applied at an interval. Interval of application and amount applied should be dictated by how acidic the soil is.

    Latest brands have multiple bins. Also, they can do more than one activity like applying fertilizer and other additives. Normally lime is contained in one bin and other substances in the other bins. Application of all the substances can also be done concurrently. This saves on fuel that could be used to power the howler applying various additives. This feature is very vital to people with large lands to work on.

    When buying a product, one should consider the way it connects to the howler. Some joints may not be completely compatible with the joining mechanism of the tractor. The shape of the bin should also be suitable so that the content does not pour out. A calibrated bin is also better because it is able to tell the user how much lime is used.

    It is also worth considering extra accessories such as rear lights and spare wheels. To maintain good performance of brands on the market, most producers integrate latest technologies like hydraulic spinner systems. Rusting is a common problem due to moisture and humidity in the working environment. This makes it worthwhile to consider products constructed from stainless steel.

    The price may be a challenging matter too. If one is not sure about the cost, it would be better to compare among various manufacturers. A combination of cost and features that proves to be the best is the one to settle for.

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