jeudi 31 juillet 2014


Bus Wraps & Awareness Towards Drinking And Driving

  • jeudi 31 juillet 2014
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  • By Katie Arden

    There are various topics that individuals will be exposed to at younger ages but I am of the opinion that drinking and driving is one of the most important. It's easy to see why, as there are several dangers to take into consideration. While most people understand the importance of bringing awareness to this subject, is it possible that various items like bus wraps can bring even more attention to it? It seems like there have been a few billboards that were able to go about this.

    CN Weekly posted an article about a winning billboard that was designed with the intention of directing the attention of viewers towards the topic of drinking and driving. Victoria Barone, a 17-year-old New York high school student was the individual responsible for this particular item being made. This idea is interesting enough but the way that the billboard in question was made is especially intriguing. Execution is crucial, after all, and those who create bus wraps will be able to agree.

    According to the article, the billboard showed the word "intoxicated" but the term "toxic" was made more prominent within the longer word. To say that this is a simple idea would be an understatement but one could make the argument that it is the simplest items that can have the greatest impact. Take, for example, the vehicle wrap that was created by Tabitha McGill, another high school student from the same campus. Her drinking and driving wrap showed the effective tag, "your life is greater than that text."

    These concepts are strong, which is a point that companies along the lines of JMR Graphics will be able to support. I believe that there is a tremendous amount of quality to consider when it comes to vehicles along the lines of billboards and bus wraps. However, there are other elements that help to make out-of-home advertising such an effective method for driving attention towards anything. Causes like these only help to accentuate the importance of this type of advertising.

    Sometimes it is the simplest messages that can have the greatest impact in the long term. While you may have the intention of creating dynamic images for the purpose of marketing, it may not be necessary. You may be better off going with simpler designs so that bus wraps, billboards, and what have you are easier to digest. Their messages will be clearer as well. No matter what the cause is, no one should overlook the potential associated with this form of marketing.

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