mercredi 26 novembre 2014


3 Tips For Creating Effective Trailer Graphics

  • mercredi 26 novembre 2014
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  • By Jennifer Marie Anderson

    If there's one thing that can be said about trailer graphics, of the highest level, it's that they are effective. Their ability to present a litany of items, some of them more appealing to the general demographic than others, cannot be overstated. Of course, not all graphics are made the same, which is why there is a level of care that must be seen. In order for these wraps to be made well, these 3 tips should be followed by budding designers and experienced vehicle wrappers alike.

    To start off, companies like JMR Graphics will tell you to stick to a particular font style. Consistency is crucial when it comes to the creation of trailer graphics and you can be certain that font will be just one of the various elements to take into account. Yes, you can definitely apply multiple fonts to a single platform. With that said, however, the fonts in question must complement one another well, as if to not clash and create less appealing visuals as a result.

    Images are vital when it comes to trailer graphics as well, so they should be used well. One of the ways in which this can be done, as you will learn, has to do with how they are positioned. Whether you are focused on using a single image or many smaller pictures, there's no doubt that their placement will have a tremendous influence on just how useful certain graphics prove to be. It's also worth noting that their levels of sharpness and clarity will matter just as much, if not more so.

    If you want to talk about the many aspects of trailer graphics, longevity should not be overlooked. It's important to understand that while these graphics may be created with the finest visuals imaginable, they are not going to matter nearly as much if said visuals are exposed to harsh conditions. The best way for this problem to be avoided is through the usage of high-quality vinyl. This will keep the wraps developed protected, which stands the chance of resulting in long-term success.

    It's easy to see that graphics like these can have a tremendous impact in the long term. However, in order for this to be seen, there's quite a bit of work that has to be done. This goes for just about anything you can think of, whether it's a matter of visual components, build quality, or what have you. These elements, and others, can come together in order to create graphics that will be able to do their job over long stretches of time.

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