jeudi 20 novembre 2014


Benefits And Overview Of MAIF Insurance Agent

  • jeudi 20 novembre 2014
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  • By Ida Dorsey

    There are instances when an application for an automobile insurance would be rejected. This can cause a lot of frustration and further hassle to find another private company that would accept the application. But there are companies that are organized and accredited by the government that can save these unsuccessful applications.

    There is a company in Maryland where they accept uninsured drivers or individuals who are in an accident but has no insurance from their company or anywhere else. Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund or the MAIF insurance agent can provide certain individuals this benefit. This is under their Uninsured Division where certain guidelines should be met in order to acquire this privilege.

    This can be taken advantage by any Maryland resident. In situations where they do not have a car or their relative does not have an insurance, can still be covered by the liabilities. This is also in the case for both of the car owners not having any insurance. This can be investigated further if the other party is negligent free and would then be viable for this.

    The only source for the funds in this division is from the fines take from penalties of various motorists who have no insurances and have made liabilities. Therefore, companies outside MAIF have not funded this and this is also not taken from other motorists. Only those that are fined is the main source of funds for this division.

    There is a legal minimum requirement for the vehicles. The penalties include loss of plate, one hundred fifty dollars fee for uninsured motorists during the first month then seven dollars for the following days during the lapse. There is also a twenty five dollar restoration fee for the registration privilege, and many others.

    The Maryland State Legislature in 1972 have created this for this sole purpose. The agency is independent while they would also directly report to the Governor. They are held liable for their responsibilities to the legislature. In general, the operational funds came from premiums and they do not get any from the State nor are their obligations and debts are directed towards the State.

    They are advised by the Board of Trustees which comprises of ten appointed people by the Governor and then five from the overall industry. Basically, their Executive Director is a part of the Board and monitors the daily operations. The operating units contains the Underwriting Department, the Claims Department, the Human Resources Department, the Fiscal Department, the Information Systems Department, and the Administration Department.

    When signing up for this policy, there are ways that you can lower your costs with just a few simple ways. Maintaining a good record for driving would give lower costs on premiums. Individuals who have various accidents and traffic violations tend to have higher premiums. It is important to drive safely and obey traffic laws.

    Also, check the deductibles that you are able to afford. Get rid off anything that you do not need and for those small losses. Getting a higher deductible would lower the premium for physical damages that may occur. Another thing is to look at the condition of your vehicle in terms of its age and is it still running fine.

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