vendredi 12 décembre 2014


Does Variable Rate Fertilizer Spreader Really Work

  • vendredi 12 décembre 2014
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  • By Lucia Weeks

    Farming is not an easy task. There are external factors that could affect both quality and quantity of the harvests. Although most of these are beyond human control, there are means to maximize certain factors. Since time immemorial, manures are applied in natural farming to sustain the nutrients for the plants. Of course, with technological advancements come agricultural innovations as well.

    The use of variable rate fertilizer spreader is among the most recent developments in agriculture. Farmers acknowledge that each plant has unique needs, especially in the type and amount of nutrients it requires. Thus, applying a fixed amount on all plants is both wrong and unwise. Nonetheless, manual application of fertilizers is a drag especially in a vast farm.

    This is exactly the reasoning behind variable rate fertilization or VRF. The spreader has the ability to determine the quantity of fertilizers to deposit in each plant while it provides the automation to cover wide area promptly. Besides the spread pattern input, the automated applicator can also gather data from real-time sensing to address the changing needs of the plants.

    This technology is deemed environment-friendly because it aids in decreasing the adverse effects of applying excessive fertilizers. Too much chemical deposited on the ground could affect its nutrient content and alter its properties. This could possibly contaminate the ground water as well due to leaching. In the long run, the quality of the harvests will be affected, too.

    Farmers can expect optimal profits with this technology, too. Just the right quantity of fertilizer is deposited, so nothing goes to waste. Farmers can then save up to forty percent from the usual quantity of fertilizers used before. With their expenses being cut down, they can save thousands. Furthermore, fewer fertilizers means less fuel costs as well.

    Another economic benefit is the return of investments. Besides the substantial reduction in expenses, the use of VRF technology takes full advantage of the field conditions. Therefore, farmers can expect improvement in the quality of their crops. Moreover, this could result to a consistent growth pattern in the field, something that remains to be beneficial even after a few years.

    A typical example of an automated applicator consists of a 3-ton spreader and optical sensors on the side. These sensors gather all variables that must be considered in determining the quantity and spread pattern. Such variables may be spatial, predictive or temporal.

    Predictive variables can be expected with the use of historical, such as the yield and weather. Temporal variables, on the other hand, are the most unstable and constantly changing. Examples are growth change and seasonal changes. Spatial variables focus on the soil's composition, like the presence of pests and potential diseases, crop growth and the ground's pH value.

    Using variable rate spreader can definitely benefit farmers. In fact, many citrus growers are adapting this technology. When choosing an applicator, you should remember that not a single size fits all. If you want to make the most of it, you may opt to customize your spreader to suit your needs. You may choose from self-propelled spreaders, truck spreaders or row crop spreaders to name a few.

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