jeudi 11 décembre 2014


Taking A Look At Towing

  • jeudi 11 décembre 2014
  • 00fees
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  • By Lucia Weeks

    Pulling is meant to pull an inoperative motor vehicle with the help of another as a temporary emergency measure. To connect the two vehicles, a tow rope, a tow bar or a tow-axis is used for towing Frisco TX. In road transport, a distinction between hauling and pulling as well as railway. In shipping and aviation, only the term drag is common.

    The driver of towed vehicle must be suitable; he does not need to be in possession of a driving license. Pulling on its own axis does not form a "train". Apply here not the Highway Code rules on maximum vehicle-train length and the maximum permissible trailer loads. As trucks with trailers or semi-trailers, can be decoupled, shouldn't be towed together. In exceptional circumstances, with arrangement and with the police escort the train also be towed when the remain of a draft part in traffic area would pose a greater danger than hauling the train (z. B. On the highway to a parking lot where the trailers are parked may or until the next exit).

    Because of negative role models from wrong parked car inspection authorities (police, municipalities) are increasingly gone over to let z. B. Basically always tow even with several free disabled parking spaces. When unauthorized parking on private property, the owner or tenant of blocked parking area can basically have the vehicle towed.

    If the distance is too great, the car needs to be loaded. The driver of vehicle to be towed does not need a driver's license, it only needs the minimum of 15 years. The Sinking requires the license of pulling vehicle. Pulling applies performed as well when a tow rope or a dedicated tow bar (DIN 1756) is used. If this is not the case, a fine will be charged.

    In Countries the pulling in 15a Highway Code is normalized. Pulling is generally only permitted if an emergency idea is based, so the stopped car constitutes a danger to other road users in traffic area. If the emergency thought not perish, is "dragging". Motorcycles may not be towed.

    The fees are intended to cover the costs for police services. Regulation (1 15 para. No. 7 Highway Code) applies to state of North Rhine-Westphalia to run the Administration Enforcement Act of 8 December 2009. Thereafter may be charged for pulling a vehicle approved a fee. In addition, in all cases, nor the fines by the police. For a futile Driving (deadhead) the pulling contractor may charge a fee paths corresponding to return trip. Custody fee is omitted here.

    When pulling means pulling a continuous lighting. The direction indicator shall be provided. This is such. As achieved with a light beam that is attached to rear of towed vehicle and plugged into trailer socket of pulling vehicle. Vehicles over four tonnes must not be dragged with a rope (or towed). For hauling (in Countries) is a so-called "drag approval" is essential.

    Parking on a disabled space. In cases where a parking space has been reserved for a particular severely disabled (indicated by a special supplementary sign), all other vehicles from other severely handicapped towed. Parking at locations where the road is obstructed, such. As well as pedestrians, cyclists, etc. Have to resort to road.

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