lundi 22 juin 2015


The Basic Facts Right Hand Drive Conversions

  • lundi 22 juin 2015
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  • By Freida Michael

    There are many myths out there about right hand drive (RHD) cars. Some talk of the engine swap, suspension redesign, interior modification and many other unnecessary adjustments. If you listen to people who talk with no experience, it is easy to be confused. Understanding the right hand drive conversions and if it is a worthwhile venture is only possible if you talk to those in the business or at least those whose cars have been converted.

    Perhaps, the most noticeable difference in the RHD cars is their cosmetic difference. The steering wheel is at the right hand and not the left as in the case with the more common LHD. The main control functions remain the same. For instance, the gear pattern is not altered though you have to use the left hand for shifting; something you get used to in a short while. The right to a left arrangement of the Gas, Brake and Clutch remain the same.

    The differences include the wipers being on the left while the turn signal is on the right. In the same way, the ebrake is now on the driver's side and the radio controls are now much closer. When it comes to driving, there are slight differences.

    When overtaking, you have to be more patient and extra careful, you can't just take a peek and accelerate as it is normally done with the LHD. In this case, you have to slow down and allow the vehicle in front to cover some distance until you can see ahead clearly from your side. It is then that you can accelerate and overtake.

    That is as far as the experience goes; there might be a few other issues like the local traffic laws and so on. However, should you go with the decision to convert, there are several things that you need to know. First, the engineer or the company that you assign your job matters a lot. While some companies go the extra mile by working hand in hand with the manufacturers to deliver high-quality products, there are some mechanics that do a shoddy job.

    When selecting the company, you need to ensure that it is ADR compliant. It the company only does the conversion without complying with the ADR requirements, the registration becomes difficult. The ADR license cost can be as much as $10,000 for just a single vehicle. While some cars can be converted by many companies, you might only have a few companies to choose from for some brands.

    Several parts will have to be converted in addition to the steering wheel. These include the air condition system, the heater box and the cockpit itself among others. In some cases, even the driver's seat may be taken to the right, particularly if it is unique in some ways.

    Regardless of what you choose, it is necessary that you trust this job to a highly qualified mechanic so that everything is made up to standards. This is very necessary, even if it takes extra cash from your pocket. Never accept a bargain price for substandard work as it can mean the difference between life and death.

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