lundi 29 juin 2015


The Pros And Cons Of One Call Locators Apps And System

  • lundi 29 juin 2015
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  • By Edna Booker

    We are now living in a very modern era, almost all people in the world could not let go a day without using their cellular phones. It is like it is already a part of our lifestyle because of the great convenience it gives us in doing our work and even giving ourselves a leisure. With this technological advancement, we soon able to know what are the other things that we can do with this.

    Talking about security and emergencies, we can know where our family is when things like this happens and we can do the things that we must do to save them. We choose to use the one call locators app and tracking system so that we can know where our family is and if they are in a safe place through answering the phone call. But what is the ups and downs of this advancement where most people choose to use this.

    One good thing that this technology gives to us is that it helps us in our business. A manager could guide or trace his delivery man to the location where the package should be delivered. They will also know if their personnel has gone rogue or went to the places they are not meant to go.

    This also helps them when they are on the road and drives too fast as they are behind schedule. Their mobile phone would warn them that they are driving faster than the speed limit being implemented. Thus, this saves everyone from further damages for the company.

    This can be used for emergency services. With this, the system and check about where is the current location of your loved ones and if they are not involved in that recent car accident on the news. If they are, god forbid, then through their phone, missing persons will be found instantly.

    There is this music festival and your friends want to spend it together with your. But as you attend, a lot of people but it seems impossible for you to not see them if you use your locator app to locate each one of them. Most apps will let you see a map of the location to where you are and where your friends are until you reach the same spot mark and see each other once again.

    In terms of safety, parents would really know the current location of their children. This will able them to locate them on the places their children told them to be there. You will also see if the place is safe or not.

    Let us now go to the downside of this and that will be on the privacy of the person. People who are located to, like always, are the ones who often say that this system is not just as it deprives them from their rights. But other most people understands its purpose and accepts it wholeheartedly as they believe into their parents and the mobile company who can threat them as well.

    No human is ever perfect, everyone does flaws and what we make can be our flaws too. But If everyone just knows how to properly use this, there will be no problems and issues like this. This app is not the sole problem, the problem is in people who exploit and takes so much advantage on it.

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