lundi 25 janvier 2016


How To Find A Good Texting And Driving App For Your Children

  • lundi 25 janvier 2016
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  • By Rebecca Moore

    For some reason, teenagers just cannot stop using their phones even when on the road. This greatly compromises their safety sending shivers down the spines of many parents. You can help such drivers focus through using a good texting and driving app. Here are some of the solutions that technology provides.

    The first smartphone application whose popularity has been on the rise in the last few days is known as Canary. Unlike many other software available out there, this one will not block you from texting while behind the wheels. However, it will send you a notification immediately your teen starts to use their phone while driving. It also has an additional feature that notifies users when the speed limits are exceeded.

    For a one-time purchase price of 89 dollars, you can also get CellContol application for your phone. This software is stunning for what it is cable of. All you have to do is to fit a device right under the steering that sends signals to your phone. It works by monitoring the movement of the car and blocks phone usage accordingly. Once you begin to drive, your gadget blocks and only activates when you the car stops.

    When you are a parent worried about the activities of their teenagers on the road, there is still more for you. TextLimit will allow you to set a speed upon which some of the smartphone features will be partially disabled. You may also block certain features completely at certain speediness. It also provides super-user privileges that allow you to contact your children when they are driving.

    Maybe you need a solution for your entire family. There is still something you can take advantage to ensure the safety of the people you love most. For about 35 dollars, you can grab a family package of which is an exceptionally beautiful application. It monitors your texts, emails or calls and sends automated responses informing those contacting you that you are driving.

    Lastly, you can still install great software without spending a cent of your money. DriveScribe is a phone application that suits the interests of those looking for free solutions out there. However it does not deter you from using your phone while on the road, but promotes safety. At the end of each trip, you will be rated accordingly to help you know how to improve.

    Any recommended software should have certain features. When shopping for an ideal app, you need to consider whether they can disable texting while driving. Also, you need to go for something that is simple to install. You should be able to have it up and running within less than five minutes. Other important features should also include tamper resistance.

    At the end of the day, there is still something a little strange in paying for any of the features above. This is because it is somehow funny that all the applications are designed to ensure that common sense prevails. Logic simply demands that you switch off you gadgets each time you hit the road so that you may focus. After all, it is your life on the line.

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