mardi 13 septembre 2016


Energy Saving Solutions For Car And Truck Spray Booths

  • mardi 13 septembre 2016
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  • By Dennis Wallace

    The automobile industry makes use of auto spray booth for painting cars. Some garages with a body restoration division have a spray booth. The equipment is inherently a high energy consumer. The users incur high energy bills from using it. However, car and truck spray booths are efficient. The painting process involves numerous controls including balancing the temperatures, humidity and pressure among other factors for a good finish.

    Recirculating the air in the equipment is one such measure to consider. The equipment works primarily with blowing air through the systems to place the layers of paint. Initially, air-conditioning equipment was used to provide the same temperature and quality of air initially blown into the cubicle. However, with a re-circulation methodology ensures that the heat loss is reduced.

    Variable frequency drives also ensure that the energy consumption is greatly reduced. The drives minimize energy consumption in the motor driven parts that constitute the equipment such as the fan. It matches the motor output near the load. This way, the fans move faster increasing the air circulation. Heightened circulation reduces air loss when the cubicle door is opened. It also eases out the start propeller. In this regard, the air circulation is achieved in a shorter time and the fan belt is less likely to snap.

    The painting procedure can be altered to minimize the steps. When considering these options ensures that the quality of a finished paint spraying job is also unaltered. The Older equipment allows for paint job layering when the initial layers are dried. There are alterations in newer equipment to reduce the processes steps.

    Create fuel from the bi-products of the process. Manufacturers and spray booth operators and art garages must consider alternative methods of using the heat generated from the process. There are mechanisms where the energy can be redirected into the system to power a different function in the garage.

    Maintain the tool as required. Faulty tools consume excess energy. Clear the filters and replace them when the time comes. Also clean the vents and other ducts. Ensure that there is no leakage in the pressure pipes. Run an energy audit to identify probable problematic areas in the system.

    Consider the use of technology to increase controls of the appliances. Choose a programmable system to ensure that you achieved the intended results of the job. Programmable systems allow for prior programming and setting. Another efficient method of energy management is equipment using adiabatic humidification.

    Automotive spraying cubicles are high energy consumers. Individuals using the equipment are guaranteed good services and finished products. To manage the energy use of the equipment, users must consider installing variable frequency drives to run some of the electrical components. Also, they must consider recycling the air within the booth during the process. Also, up-cycling energy into other parts of the equipment can be used to minimize energy loss.

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