lundi 1 septembre 2014


Bus Wraps & Billboards For Kidney Donation

  • lundi 1 septembre 2014
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  • By Bob Oliver

    It's clear that there are many common uses for billboards, some of them potentially more important than others. You want to make sure that, as someone who may utilize said billboards, others will be made aware of whatever good or service that you have to offer. What surprised me, though, is that items like bus wraps and posters can be used in order to reach out to others regarding deeper subjects. Specifically, did you know that kidney donors can be appealed with these?

    CBS 6 posted an article that talked about how Myrna Bernstein was able to utilize a billboard for the sake of finding a kidney donor. This individual from Albany, New York wanted to reach out to a wide number of people in order to find a donor, which goes to show just how committed she is to the cause. Did you know that Bernstein was able to put a billboard, in addition to ads on five different buses, to use for this purpose? It makes one wonder what the extent of this method could truly be.

    It's clear that Bernstein went about this so that a potential donor could be appealed to but is this all? It's important to consider that a method like this can draw attention to the overall problem of kidney failure and the heightened need associated with new kidneys for health. To say that a method like this can be noticeable would be nothing short of an understatement. In order for awareness to be seen, though, I'd like to think that bus wraps and other such utilities can be implemented.

    It's clear that companies such as JMR Graphics have been effective in advertising other businesses, in addition to what they offer, in the past. In my mind, a story like this which is rooted heavily in medicine can very well bring about similar results in the long run. It's clear that out-of-home advertising is a method not to be overlooked, whether the focus is on a certain product or the idea of health. Items like bus wraps are helpful, to say the least, and it's clear that Bernstein was able to recognize this.

    My only hope is that Bernstein's work pays off and that she is able to find a donor who's able to give her the help she needs. It's clear that this is one of the more important issues when regarding health and I am glad to see that methods are being put into effect in order to draw attention to this. Who's to say that other donors cannot be helped as a result? If successful, Bernstein's efforts may actually be able to help others in the long run.

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